Day 3 - Repentance

header | consecration 2011

>>Daily Theme |  Repentance
>>Memory Scripture |  2 Chronicles 7:14
>>Read | Jonah 3 - 4
>>Devotional Reading  |

The city of Ninevah had a sin problem.  The people in the land had turned away from God and worshipped worthless idols.  They called up, down and down, up.  They also became complacent because the Lord let their sin continue without immediately judging them for their sins.  But the Lord was giving Ninevah an opportunity to repent before he would bring judgment upon those who were willfully disobeying God's instructions.

Like the people of Ninevah, it is easy to reflect upon God’s grace and to say “God knows my heart,” or “God understands that we are human.”  These excuses, however, do not bring us into right relationship with God.  Sin – no matter how seemingly justifiable - separates us from God.  Because God is Holy, sin cannot dwell amongst that which is holy.

Thanks be unto God that He sent his only son to reconcile us into right relationship with him.  Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, he was our substitute, paying the price for our sins and brought us into a place where we can now walk in fellowship.  As we walk with God, we still fall short and God invites us to confess our sins to Him.  1 John 1:9 promises that “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

God showed his compassion to Ninevah despite their great wickedness.  The King of Ninevah called on everyone to (1) urgently call on God, (2) give up their evil ways, and (3) end their violence.  As they did so, the Lord didn’t bring the destruction that he had threatened.  If we want our mountains to move, we have to first walk in repentance before God.

During this time of consecration, we have the opportunity to confess our sins and ways that we have fallen short of His glory.  God is not looking for an opportunity to condemn us but to show us his compassion and forgiveness.

>>Respond |

In Psalms 19, David asks the Lord for forgiveness of his “hidden faults” and “willful sins.”  These types of sins are generally classified as sins of (1) commission and (2) omission.

Today, we will focus on our willful sins or sins of commission.  James 4:!7 says that,  “Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.”  A sin of commission is a deliberate turning away from the will and instructions of God.

As you confess these sins before God, think of the sins that you have committed in these three areas [1 John 2:16]

(1)  Lust of the flesh or the cravings of sinful man,

(2)  Lust of the eyes

(3)  Pride of life or the boasting of what we have and do

As the Lord brings anything to memory, ask for His forgiveness and for the Holy Spirit’s help in turning away from these areas of sin.

>>Reflect |  Journal or pray through these questions
*Adapted from Experiencing God by Claude King.

  1. What has God revealed to you about Himself?
  2. What has God revealed to you about His purposes?
  3. What has God revealed to you about His ways?
  4. What has God revealed to you about yourself?
  5. What has God revealed to you about your priorities?
  6. What has God revealed to you about your relationship with Him?
  7. What guidance has God revealed to you about your circumstances?
  8. What adjustments is God asking you to make (start doing _______, stop doing ___________, continue doing ___________).
  9. What can you thank God for today?
  10. What further steps of obedience do you know God wants you to take?

>>Next Steps  |
I will pray about  __________________ consistently, asking for ability, guidance, and discipline to listen + obey by God’s strength
I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me to ____________________
I will thank God for ____________________

I will start ______________________