Day 5 - Reconciliation

header | consecration 2011

>>Daily Theme |  Reconciliation
>>Memory Scripture |  Galatians 2:20
>>Read | 2 Corinthians 5:11-21
>>Devotional Reading  |

A Less than 2 weeks after Christmas, my nephew broke one of his Christmas toys.  I’m not sure that the manufacturer intended for the intense wear and tear that a 6-year-old with an active imagination could put on a spider man figure. Unfortunately, toys are not the only items that are susceptible to the intense pressure of life and dealing with other people.  In a fallen world, our life also includes dealing with broken relationships.
Reconciliation is the restoration of fellowship between two parties that were formerly hostile to one another.  The hostility may develop as a result of some conflict or mis-understanding or it can come when the parties are not operating in the way that they were designed to interrelate.  In relationships, we need reconciliation on two levels.  Reconciliation must first take place between man and God before human relationships can truly be reconciled.
In 2 Corinthians 5, Paul reflects on these two levels of reconciliation. God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, gave us the ministry of reconciliation. The hostility between God and man came as a result of sin, but reconciliation came as a result of Jesus’ substitutionary atonement for our sins.  As we walk in true reconciliation to God in 2011, we can also experience fruitful reconciliation with our fellow man.
The Bible reminds us in Galatians 2:20 that walking in true reconciliation means that we are crucified with Christ and that we no longer live, but Christ lives in us.  Living by faith in the Son of God means that we strive to do what leads to peace and mutual edification.  That means before we go to the altar, we want to make sure that we are reconciled with our brothers before offering our gifts.
Reconciliation doesn’t mean that all of our relationships operate the same, but it does mean that we are “exactly what God created us to be in someone's life, nothing more, nothing less.” Praying for reconciliation is praying that God would cause us to rightly prioritize the relationships in our lives so that we can be faithful stewards of our multiple levels of responsibility.
In some relationships, reconciliation can actually mean to spend less time together, because the relationship has been out of God’s design and in some relationships, reconciliation means walking through forgiveness so that the relationship can be mended.  Whatever the steps that we need to take, let us strive to be an ambassador for God in all of our relationships and show that Christ is alive in us.

>>Respond |

When Jesus died on the cross, he reconciled us to God and gave us the free-will gift of salvation.  As we have walked in repentance over the last two days, we have asked and received forgiveness for those sins which hinder our reconciled relationship with God.
Now, as you pray for reconciliation with your fellow man, ask God to show you the nature of relationships in your life.

  1. Have you shown yourself friendly and compassionate in your relationships?
  2. Are there any relationships which you have neglected or spent too much time?

Take time to pray for God to strengthen the quality of relationships in your life.  You can also scroll through your phonebook and pray for 2-4 of your friends in your phonebook that you haven’t prayed for in a while.

During this time, also take time to pray for your relationships with unsaved loved ones, family members, co-workers, and neighbors.  Pray that God would allow you to be a light for Christ in their life.  Pray for opportunities to be a witness for the gospel and to share the reality of the gospel message.

>>Reflect |  Journal or pray through these questions

*Adapted from Experiencing God by Claude King.

  1. What has God revealed to you about Himself?
  2. What has God revealed to you about His purposes?
  3. What has God revealed to you about His ways?
  4. What has God revealed to you about yourself?
  5. What has God revealed to you about your priorities?
  6. What has God revealed to you about your relationship with Him?
  7. What guidance has God revealed to you about your circumstances?
  8. What adjustments is God asking you to make (start doing _______, stop doing ___________, continue doing ___________).
  9. What can you thank God for today?
  10. What further steps of obedience do you know God wants you to take?

>>Next Steps  |
I will pray about  __________________ consistently, asking for ability, guidance, and discipline to listen + obey by God’s strength
I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me to ____________________
I will thank God for ____________________

I will start ______________________