Day 6 - Restoration

header | consecration 2011

>>Daily Theme |  Restoration
>>Memory Scripture |  Galatians 2:20
>>Read | John 11:1-44
>>Devotional Reading  |

As Jesus taught his disciples to pray, he told them to ask the Father, “Give us this day our daily bread.”  Jesus was aware that there are various things that we need on a daily basis.  Our needs, however, were never meant to control us.  Jesus said that he would give us everything we needed for life and for godliness. 

Praying for our needs is connected to walking in faith and trust.  Two people can ask for the same need but from very different places of faith.  One believes that receiving the provision for a need will solve all of their challenges; another recognizes that God ultimately supplies all our needs and that any provision is a blessing but not the ultimate resource.

So what happens when it seems that we do not have the provisions that we need to deal with life’s circumstances. The easiest answer is to get mad at God and to feel as if He has somehow abandoned us.  The other approach is like that of our Father Abraham, to be full pursuaded that God can provide and restore whatever needs that we have.

ROMANS 4:19 Without weakening in his faith, he [Abraham] faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. 20 Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.”

Similarly, the story of Lazurus reflects a testimony of God’s restoration.  Mary and Martha were saddened that Jesus hadn’t come to heal Lazurus, but Jesus knew that Lazarus’ ressurection would be for God’s glory.  He knew just the right timing to restore life unto Lazarus, yet he wanted Mary and Martha to trust Him. 

As we pray for God’s restoration, we must pray in faith with an acknowledgement of God’s timing, plan and purpose.  Just because our situations may look bleak, it doesn’t mean that God has forgotten or abandoned us.  We must pray for God to give us our daily bread, while recognizing that whatever He gives us for that day is sufficient to meet our needs and more.

Now unto Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!

>>Respond |

Our prayer today is a prayer of faith.  We are asking God to restore that which was lost, yet trusting that God’s provision will be sufficient to meet the need.  As you ponder some of the needs that you have, thank God for supplying the tangible resources and pray for vision to recognize God’s provision as it is manifested.

You can pray for restoration in:

(1) Physical Resources/Health

(2) Shelter/Housing

(3) Finances

(4) Transportation

(5) Job/Employment

(6) Joy/Happiness

(7) Peace

(8) Fruitfulness


>>Reflect |  Journal or pray through these questions

*Adapted from Experiencing God by Claude King.

  1. What has God revealed to you about Himself?
  2. What has God revealed to you about His purposes?
  3. What has God revealed to you about His ways?
  4. What has God revealed to you about yourself?
  5. What has God revealed to you about your priorities?
  6. What has God revealed to you about your relationship with Him?
  7. What guidance has God revealed to you about your circumstances?
  8. What adjustments is God asking you to make (start doing _______, stop doing ___________, continue doing ___________).
  9. What can you thank God for today?
  10. What further steps of obedience do you know God wants you to take?

>>Next Steps  |
I will pray about  __________________ consistently, asking for ability, guidance, and discipline to listen + obey by God’s strength
I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me to ____________________
I will thank God for ____________________

I will start ______________________