Day 8 - Vision (Spiritual)

header | consecration 2011

>>Daily Theme |  Vision (Spiritual)
>>Memory Scripture |  Psalms 86:11-12
>>Read | 2 Chronicles 31:20 – 32:33
>>Devotional Reading  |

As we progress into week 2 of our consecration, we are focusing on receiving vision and wisdom from the Lord for this upcoming year for the various aspects of our lives. Most of us are familiar with Proverbs 29:18a that declares: “Where there is no revelation [vision], the people cast off restraint.”  God has promised that as we search for Him, we will find Him and as we ask for wisdom, He will give it to us wholeheartedly and not take it back.
What does it mean to walk in vision – spiritually? It simply means to pursue godliness and righteousness in our lives. Paul, as he mentored Timothy, gave him several important instructions regarding godliness:
1 TIM 4:7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

1 TIM 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.
Two central ideas come out of these passages: spiritual training and contentment.  If we are going to train ourselves for godliness, we will have to know where we are going and how to get there.  Secondly, we will have to exercise contentment along the process to godliness, knowing that the commitment we are making is moving us towards our destination.
Hezekiah was an example of a righteous man who pursued godliness with contentment in his younger years.  2 Chronicles says that Hezekiah did “what was good and right and faithful" and “sought his God and worked wholeheartedly.” The end result was that God prospered him throughout his life.  Unfortunately, in his later years, Hezekiah became proud and suffered under the wrath of God.  When he repented of these ways, even in his old age, God heard his cry and prospered him again.
What is God asking of us spiritually in 2011?  It is that we may grow in the grace and the knowledge of God and to seek after Him.  Each one of us has specific things that we need to do this year in order to train ourselves for Godliness.  Whether it is plugging more into the vision of the church or growing in His Word, pursue it wholeheartedly and with great contentment!  God is taking us somewhere, He’s in control and we ought to rejoice!

>>Respond |

We often spend time asking God for vision for WHAT we want to do, but have we spent time asking God for vision for WHO He wants us to become? As you respond to today’s theme, take time to think about who God wants you to be?  Jot down or journal some of the areas in which you desire to grow spiritually in 2011.
As you reflect on some of the areas of spiritual growth, don’t forget to ask God how he wants you to pursue and train after godliness.  Go back to your commitment list from Day 2.  Are there any adjustments that you need to do in order to prioritize pursuing after godliness?
Finally, pursuing after godliness requires accountability and discipline. Who has God placed in your life for these roles?  You may consider sharing with them some of these goals during the second week of consecration.

>>Reflect |  Journal or pray through these questions
*Adapted from Experiencing God by Claude King.

  1. What has God revealed to you about Himself?
  2. What has God revealed to you about His purposes?
  3. What has God revealed to you about His ways?
  4. What has God revealed to you about yourself?
  5. What has God revealed to you about your priorities?
  6. What has God revealed to you about your relationship with Him?
  7. What guidance has God revealed to you about your circumstances?
  8. What adjustments is God asking you to make (start doing _______, stop doing ___________, continue doing ___________).
  9. What can you thank God for today?
  10. What further steps of obedience do you know God wants you to take?

>>Next Steps  |
I will pray about  __________________ consistently, asking for ability, guidance, and discipline to listen + obey by God’s strength
I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me to ____________________
I will thank God for ____________________

I will start ______________________