SERMON NOTES :: And Jesus replied, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" - Where are you going?

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And Jesus Said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" - Where are you going?




John 14:1-6


Pastor Joseph Ardayfio


If we don’t understand that there is more to life than what we are experiencing here on earth, we will never know that Christ is the way to an abundant life, which has relevance for this life and the life to come.

1) Jesus taught that the ultimate destination of life was more than just an abundance of possessions or an accumulation of stuff.  Many people never find the road that leads to the TRUE life. [Matt 7:13].

2) Jesus is the fulfillment of the abundant life, which has relevance both for this life and the life to come

a.  While the enemy comes to steal, to kill and to destroy, Jesus came so that we could have life, and that more abundantly.

b.  The Greek word zoe represents life to its absolute fullness; real and genuine life; an active and vigorous life devoted to God; a life that is blessed, both in the portion of time in this world and after the resurrection to eternal living.

c.  The abundant life is an eternal “relationship”; a great "joy"; a "blessedness"; an "assurance" of entering the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and a "peace" that surpasses understanding.

3) Not only is Jesus trustworthy, but by His nature, Jesus is the total essence of what is truth.

a. When Jesus says that He is truth, he implies that there is such a thing as truth and falsehood. We must be able to distinguish between the two.

b. For example, some driving directions are better than others.  When you have to cross the Atlantic Ocean, all driving directions ultimately fail because they can’t accomplish the goal of crossing the ocean in a car.  Likewise, some directions of how to get to the abundant life ultimately fail because they can’t accomplish the goal of attaining eternal life. 

c. We can know that Jesus is trustworthy and is the total essence of truth by examining his character and nature.

4) Jesus is the only one who can get us to the destination of the abundant life (zoe) because He is the only way to the heavenly Father.

a. When Jesus says that he is the WAY, He indicates that He will direct us from wherever we find ourselves in life to the zoe + abundant life in Christ.  We can trust that the way that God directs us will actually get us to our destination.

Scripture Index:

Matthew 7:13

John 10:10

John 14:1-6

thoughts for further study



1)     How can we be deceived by the pleasures of this life?

2)     How can we have confidence that Jesus provides the way to the abundant life that fulfills all of our needs. 

3)     How should we respond to Jesus' statement that He is the way, the truth, and the life?

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