SERMON NOTES :: And Jesus said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God" - Mark 10:17-31

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And Jesus Said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God" - Your choice.




Mark 10:17-31


Pastor Joseph Ardayfio


Things may be impossible with man, but when we choose to be on God’s team, all things are possible!

1) Jesus presented the rich young man with the choice of whether he wanted to make the necessary sacrifices for the goal of attaining eternal life.

a.  We often don’t get to choose the requirements to get to our destination but we do have the choice of whether we are willing to make the required sacrifices.

b.  Contrary to popular belief, many of the choices that we have to make in life have definitive consequences and required sacrifices.

c.  When someone/something is Lord in our life, we owe it our obedience and service.  God has the right to ask us to sacrifice anything that exalts itself above the Lordship of Christ.  For the young ruler, his possessions had lordship in his life.

2) While the earthly sacrifices for salvation and Christian living are great, it comes with an abundant promise:  With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.

3) The promise that “All things are possible” hinges on the team that we choose to be on.

a. We must choose whether to build our own team by our strength or to relinquish control and let God be the captain of our team.

b. We subconsciously make the choice to build our own team when: 

i. We think that we’ve worked hard enough so its our right to get what we want;

ii. We refuse to acknowledge the one who has given us all things;

iii. We fail to prioritize our dreams, our desires, our passions in alignment with the will of God;

iv. We fail to recognize the supreme power of the God that we serve; or

v. We don’t trust in God’s methods or timing.

4) In order to let go and trust God, we have to get rid of unbelief.  God is not simply looking for positive thinking, but faith in the character and the nature of the God that you serve. [Rom. 4:18-21].

a. The object of our faith makes a big difference in the strength of our belief.  Sometimes we need to restore our confession in the omnipotence and omnipresence of the God that we serve.

b. God always gets the victory for His team – the last shall be first and the first, last.

Scripture Index:

Mark 10:17-31

Romans 4:18-21


thoughts for further study

1)     How can we avoid subconsciously trying to make our own team rather than getting onto God's team?

2)     How does unbelief play a role in frustrating the purposes of God?  How can you deal with unbelief in your heart/mind? 

3)     Why is it important to know God's plans for us in order to trust that His ways are better than our ways?

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