SERMON NOTES :: Rich Towards God Part II - Luke 12:27-34; 2 Corinthians 8:1-7

Stewardship Sermon Series



Rich Towards God Part II :: Handling Our Money + Possessions




Luke 12:27-34; 2 Corinthians 8:1-7


Pastor Joseph Ardayfio


In order to be faithful stewards of our money + possessions, we have to learn to be rich towards God and to invest our earthly treasure where we want our heart to be.

1) God is not pro-money, anti-money; pro-possessions, or anti-possessions, he is pro-Lordship.

a. We will never have a right attitude towards money and possessions if we don’t first have the right attitude towards God and eternity.

2) The 3rd kingdom principle for faithfully handling money and possessions is to excel at the grace of giving.

a.  We must recognize that giving is not a quid pro quo – giving is a statement of worship that says to God, “I trust you, and my heart is consumed with seeking first your kingdom.”

b. Excelling in giving recognizes that we don’t have anything except what God has given to us, and we look to his blueprint to see how to invest (build) with the tools that he has given us.

c. While we can acknowledge that our giving ultimately results in getting more than we had before, the purpose of our giving is to establish the measure that we want God to use – life, a la carte, or everything in God’s hands.

3) The 4th kingdom principle for faithfully handling money and possessions is to give generously in accordance with God’s design, so that we stand under God’s measure of protection + care.

a. God has the right to direct how we use our money + possessions and the true question is whether we trust him.  Generous giving includes both tithes + offerings.

b. Generous giving must be deliberate and we must train ourselves to  let God control our finances.  Author Randy Alcorn says that tithing is the training wheels of giving. When we fail to start our giving at 10%, we say to God, “I’d like to do it my way.”.

c. When we do not give according to God’s design, we elevate money above God.  Not only does this use God’s resources outside of his design, it robs Him of the honor that is due His name.

Scripture Index:

Malachi 3:8-12

Luke 6:38

Luke 11:42

Luke 12:27-34

Acts 20:35

Philippians 3:18-21

2 Corinthians 8:1-7

Hebrews 11:13-16

thoughts for further study

1)     Why does excelling in the grace of giving include a minimum standard of giving?

2)     How does the measure of giving that we choose [bountifully or sparingly] affect how we live our lives? 

3)     Why is the decision of how we use our money and possessions such an important part of the life of the believer?

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