SERMON NOTES :: Sunday, November 11, 2012 - Forgive, As You Have Been Forgiven


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Forgive, As You Have Been Forgiven


One Another


Colossians 3:12-14


Pastor Joseph Ardayfio


The second aspect of fulfilling our debt of love to God is to walk in Godly forgiveness towards others. We can only walk in forgiveness if we understand how the Lord has forgiven us of our sins.

I.         The Bible is full of individuals who demonstrated forgiveness in spite of some very difficult breaches. These ordinary men exemplified extraordinary forgiveness because they understood the depth of God’s forgiveness towards them and modeled it towards others.

II.         We often are challenged with two aspects of forgiveness: 1) What does Godly forgiveness require of us? and 2) To whom and when should we forgive others?

III.        “Forgiveness is a decision to give up your perceived or actual right to get even with, or hold in debt, someone who has wronged you.” Forgiveness brings a pathway to restoration in light of repentance.

IV.         How has God forgiven us?

    1. COLOSSIANS 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins.
    2. God’s forgiveness was not

Cheap – God paid the price for our forgiveness by making a sacrifice of His son. Forgiveness is more than erasing what happened – Something did happen but someone paid the price.

Limited – When God forgave, he forgave us “all of our sins.” He didn’t pick and choose which sins to forgive. (Col 2:13)

Without the need for repentance – Though God provided the means for our forgiveness on the cross, we still have to repent to receive the benefit.

V.         How do we forgive others as God forgave us?

    1. Realize that forgiveness is an expression of love and grace. We are not inclined to show love and grace, so we have to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience to walk in forgiveness. (Col 3:12)
    2. Don’t use a double standard. We can’t excuse our behavior but withhold forgiveness towards others.
    3. Know that forgiveness will cost you something, but what you gain in return will be much greater. Forgiveness costs you the right to get even, but blesses you with God’s best!
    4. Don’t limit your forgiveness to those who you feel are worthy of your forgiveness. Jesus instructed Peter that forgiveness should be limitless. (Matthew 18:21). This doesn’t mean that after forgiveness, we place ourselves back in the same situation.
    5. Don’t withhold forgiveness when repentance has taken place or unreasonably try to make people prove their repentance.

VI.         The benefit of forgiveness is that we receive the abundance of grace that we need.

VII.        The loss of unforgiveness is that we allow a root of bitterness and anger to build up in our heart, which will eventually cause us to sin against others.


Scripture Index:

Colossians 3:12-14
Colossians 2:13-15
Matthew 18:21
Luke 17:3-5
Matthew 6:14-15

thoughts for further study

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