SERMON NOTES :: The Spirit-Filled Life - Convicted, Yet Free


Convicted, Yet Free


The Spirit-Filled Life Pt. 4


John 16:8-11; John 3:16-21


Pastor Joseph Ardayfio


We should be thankful when the Holy Spirit brings Godly conviction into our lives because it is a part of the process of true freedom. Too often, we run away from the process because we are afraid of the vulnerability associated with being exposed.

1) To convict, or to reprove, is a legal word that means “to bring to light, to expose, to refute.” It could be translated as to “pronounce the verdict.”

2) The easy response when our deeds are exposed is to run AWAY from the light, but those who walk in truth, run TO the light. [John 3:20-21] 


Why does the Holy Spirit bring conviction to our lives?

1) The Holy Spirit exposes our true condition, so that we can get the help that we need.

a.  As unbelievers, our condition is that the sin of unbelief presents an eternal separation from God.

b. As believers, our condition is that sin taints our relationship with God and causes condemnation to appear.

2) For the unbeliever, the Holy Spirit exposes 3 distinct areas of error:  sin, righteousness, and judgment. [John 16:8]

3) For the believer, the Holy Spirit exposes the things that are contrary to God so that we are not tempted to return to our former ways/habits. [Galatians 5:17]


Why should we be thankful for conviction that the Holy Spirit brings

1)  First, because conviction is rooted out of love.  God doesn’t expose us to bring condemnation, He exposes us for us to come into the light.

2) Second, because true Godly conviction produces Godly sorrow that leads to repentance.  We become more in the image of God. [2 Corinthians 7:10]

Scripture Index:

John 3:16-21

John 16:8-11  

thoughts for further study

1)     What is the importance of conviction in our lives?

2)     How does love motivate God to convict us through the Holy Spirit?

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