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let's talk some moreLet’s Talk Notes – Week of April 21, 2013


Message:     Healing Through Adversity

Scripture:    2 Corinthians 1:3-11


1)     How have the events at the Boston Marathon affected you? How has it challenged your faith? What thoughts/questions are you struggling with?

2)     As you reflect back on last weekend’s sermon, what one principle or insight stands out as being particularly helpful, insightful or difficult to grasp? Were you challenged in any area of your personal walk with God?

3)     Describe a time when God delivered you through tragedy or adversity. How did that experience shape your faith? Have you ever felt that God has left you in the midst of a tragedy or adversity? How do you process those emotions?

4)     It is easy to believe that God has delivered us when we avoid tragedy and adversity but the Bible indicates that God also delivers us while we are going through tragedy and adversity.  Name one character from the Bible that experienced adversity and describe how God delivered them through their experience. Why do you think that God allows us to go through adversity instead of avoiding adversity all-together?

5)     The Apostle Paul says that God allowed them to experience adversity in order “that [they] might not rely on [them[selves but on God.” What are things that we should be doing in order to rely on God while going through adversity?

6)     While going through tragedy and adversity, it is important to learn how to grieve in a healthy way. Unhealthy grieving turns inward and is controlled by our own emotions. Healthy grieving, on the other hand, acknowledges our emotions but submits them to God. Read 2 Corinthians 10:5.

7)     Is there anyone in your group that you can comfort as they are going through tragedy and adversity?


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