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let's talk some moreLet’s Talk Notes – Week of February 24, 2013


Message:      "Overcoming the Fear of Opposition"

Scripture:      Nehemiah 6:15-16


1)     Name one thing you really like about yourself.

2)     As you reflect back on last weekend’s sermon, what one principle or insight stands out as being particularly helpful, insightful or difficult to grasp? Were you challenged in any area of your personal walk with God?

3)     Are you someone that likes conflict or avoids conflict? Why? How do you respond when you face opposition in doing something that you know you are called to do?

4)     Read 1 Timothy 3:12-14. What does the Apostle Paul say about Godly people facing opposition? How are we to respond to that opposition?

5)     In this week’s message, Pastor Joseph shared the story of Nehemiah who faced constant opposition as he worked to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem. Can you identify with any of the opposition that Nehemiah faced? How did you deal with that opposition?


6)     People’s words can be a source of fear in moving forward according to God’s will. Has the fear of other people’s words ever stopped you? How do you counteract negative words that are in your heart? Read Romans 12:2 and Philippians 4:8

7)     Your best friend, Olivia, is struggling with fear. Every time she makes a decision to get serious about her relationship with God, she encounters opposition from others. Some of her co-workers comment that she “thinks that she is better than everyone else” because she doesn’t do the things that they do anymore. Olivia really wants to fit-in but she also wants to keep her commitment to God. She is fearful that the social cost of living Godly is too much.

    1. How would you advise Olivia? How can she deal with her fear?
    2. What are some scriptures that you can share with Olivia?


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