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let's talk some moreLet’s Talk Notes – Week of March 2, 2014


Message:     Receiving God's Love

Scripture:    Hosea 3:1-2


1)      As you reflect back on last weekend’s sermon, what one principle or insight stands out as being particularly helpful, insightful or difficult to grasp? Were you challenged in any area of your personal walk with God?


2)      In your own words, describe the story of Hosea and Gomer. What stands out to you about each of their lives? In what ways can you identify with Hosea? In what ways can you identify with Gomer?


3)      What differentiates agape love from all other types of love? How does God represent the purest form of agape love? Give a specific example of how God has shown agape love towards you.


4)      Read John 3:16-21. Receiving God’s love means to ‘come into the light’ and to receive healing for our areas of brokenness.  How can our unwillingness to be vulnerable before God hinder us from receiving true love?


5)      Pastor Joseph mentioned in the sermon that our failure to love others with real + perfect love stems from our inability to accept and walk in God’s love. When we reject God’s love, it impacts every area of our life. How was Gomer affected when she rejected Hosea’s love?  Have you experienced any of the 3 consequences of rejecting God’s love?


6)      Think back to a time when you played a version of “Let’s Make a Deal.” With the knowledge of God’s real + perfect love would your decision be different now given the same set of choices? Would you stick with the choice you made before?


7)      What are some practical ways that you can mirror God’s real + perfect love to others this week?



Sermon: Receiving God's Love


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