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let's talk some moreLet’s Talk Notes – Week of March 30, 2014


Message:     Seasons of Relationships

Scripture:    Proverbs 2:6-22


1)      Did this week’s message challenge or affirm any assumptions that you have had about relationships and marriage?

2)      Marriage means a lot of things to different people. At the center of God’s idea for marriage is a covenant relationship that models sacrificial love. What does marriage mean to you? Have you had examples of good marriages in your life? How can our picture of marriage (good or bad) shape our desire/preparation for marriage?

3)      Some popular reasons that people get married include:

    1. Sexual attraction
    2. Stop feeling guilty about having sex
    3. Escaping the family
    4. Companionship
    5. Lust or infatuation
    6. Financial Security
    7. Wanting to have someone to love
    8. We have love like a fairy tale
    9. My peers are getting married
    10. Want children

Read Ephesians 5:25-27? How do these verses inform our idea of God’s purpose for marriage? How do these reasons above line up with God’s will for marriage?


4)      A classic piece of advice about relationships is to “Just follow your heart!” How wise is this advice? What advantages does it bring? What challenges does it create? Do the Scripture instruct us on this aspect of relationships? Read Jeremiah 17:9. What does the Scripture teach us our heart? What might be a more biblical advice about approaching relationships?


5)      Pastor Joseph noted that giving thought to God’s purpose for marriage recalibrates our thinking and allows us to honestly ask, “Are we ready for the additional responsibility of sacrificially loving someone else and modeling Christ’s love through marriage?” How would you advise a friend that is trying to answer this question?  


6)      In relationships, we must deal with the reality of brokenness in each other’s life. While moving from Godly singleness to becoming vested in God-honoring relationships, what are some good practices to handle the additional responsibilities of a relationship? What boundaries can be put into place to guard your heart, mind, soul and emotions from things that will rob you of victory in these relationships?


Do you have any prayer requests about the season of relationships that you are in? If you are comfortable, share with the group how they can pray for you to walk in healthy Godly seasons of relationships for your life.


Sermon: Seasons of Relationships



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