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let's talk some moreLet’s Talk Notes – Week of March 9, 2014


Message:     To Love More and More

Scripture:    1 Thessalonians 4:9-10


1)      Bring a purse, knapsack or backpack with 2-3 items that represent things you “carry” (deal with) on a daily basis. As a group, identify which things are burdens that others can help you to bear, which things are your own responsibility, and which, if any, are unnecessary weights?

2)      As you reflect back on last weekend’s sermon, what one principle or insight stands out as being particularly helpful, insightful or difficult to grasp? Were you challenged in any area of your personal walk with God?

3)      Give an example of how your family has shown love to you? Have you received that same type of love in church? Why? or Why Not? What does a church look like that practices agape – phileo love towards one another?

4)      Have you ever struggled with how to show unselfish love towards others? How did Jesus model unselfish love with distinctions in the expressions of that love?

5)      Think over your past week. How has your ability to love others been affected by the love that you receive from God? What are practical ways that we can receive love from God on a continual basis?

6)      Read Romans 15:1-2. Summarize its meaning. The Scriptures distinguish between our responsibility to love others by carrying each other’s burdens rather than by carrying each other’s load. What is the difference between burdens and loads? Why does this distinction make a difference in how we love others more and more?

7)      In what ways can setting relationship boundaries be difficult? How can we set appropriate relationship boundaries without neglecting our responsibility to love others more and more? What do we put at risk when we don't set appropriate relationship boundaries?


Sermon: To Love More and More


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