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let's talk some moreLet’s Talk Notes – Week of November 18, 2012


Message:        "Follow His Example"

Scripture:        John 13:1-17; 1 Peter 4:8-11


1)    As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, share one thing about your relationship with God that you are thankful for. Also, share one aspect of your group that you are thankful for.

2)    What is the most challenging aspect of servanthood for you?

3)    What stood out to you from the example of Pastor Joseph washing Pastor Michael’s feet?

4)    Read Ephesians 2:3-4.  How does selfish ambition and vain conceit hinder our ability to serve others in the way that Jesus modeled for us? How do we consider the interests of others in a balanced approach? What are some practical steps that you can implement to improve your serve?

5)    The church should be a model to the world of servanthood, in which, people are encouraged to use their God-given gifts in service to the kingdom of God. While the church is not the only place that we can serve, it should be a priority in our lives. How are you currently serving at Mars Hill Fellowship Church? Are there more opportunities that you can serve or ways in which you can improve how you serve? What about serving in other areas of your life?


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