Group Resource

let's talk some moreLet’s Talk Notes – Week of November 23, 2014


Message:     Standing on the Promises of God

Scripture:    Psalms 145:13b


1)      Read Numbers 23:19 and Hebrews 6:13-18. What do the Scriptures say about God’s character regarding his promises? What did Abraham learn about God’s character?

2)      If God is faithful, then His ability to fulfill his promises is never in question. We either need to better understand the breadth of the promises (and whether God made it for us) or wait for the manifestation. How does patience help us to walk according to the promises of God? Can you think of the other fruits of the Spirit that are necessary in this process? (Refer to Galatians 5:22-23).

3)      God’s Word and the breadth of His promises need to be explored in their entirety. For example, we can’t pick certain verses and claim a promise from God outside of its context. How can you discern whether you have properly understood the breath of God’s promises? What are some things to avoid when discerning the promises of God (e.x. prooftext, partial obedience, etc.) 

4)      Read each of the 10 promises and its corresponding scriptures one-by-one. As a group, discuss how each promise affects your life. How can you continue to nurture each promise?

5)      Choose a promise that you can memorize and meditate on for the week.  Share the scripture with the group and why you are choosing to meditate on it.


Sermon: Standing on the Promises of God

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    Sunday (10:30-11:00am)
  • M, W, F, Sat all take place via conference call, Sunday takes place at church. Lets all commit to praying together on Sunday, as well as one other morning during the week! 

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