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let's talk some moreLet’s Talk Notes – Week of November 9, 2014


Message:     Planted in Good Soil

Scripture:    Matthew 13:10-23


1)      As you reflect back on last weekend’s sermon, what one principle or insight stands out as being particularly helpful, insightful or difficult to grasp?

2)      The parable of the sower reminds us that God plants His promises in our heart. The seed that was sown on ‘good soil’ represented those with a noble and good heart. Pastor Joseph identified that the only way to have a noble and good heart is to allow God to transform your heart. How does salvation change our heart from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh? Can you identify practical ways that your heart has changed since you have been saved?

3)      We are dependent on God’s transformational work to not only regenerate our hearts at salvation, but to also cleanse our hearts each day from the decay of life.  In explaining the parable of the sower, Jesus explained how the corruption of this life can cause hearts to become calloused and hardened. What are things that can corrupt our heart? READ PSALMS 139:23-24 aloud. How does praying this prayer bring freedom and liberty?

4)      True faith will always challenge us. READ JAMES 2:14-26. How was Abraham challenged by his faith? How did he hear, retain, and persevere in the promises of God? What was the fruit of Abraham’s obedience? Describe a situation that you have found challenging and whether your faith in God lead you to make different choices or to re-prioritize. What was the outcome of your choices?

5)      James 1:22-23 challenges us to not only listen to the Word of God, but to do what it says. Pastor Joseph shared that “The Word of God, though potent, will not fully produce fruit in our lives until it is planted. When a person hears, understands and believes the Word, then the seed is planted and rooted in the good soil of their hearts.” How can we plant God’s Word in our heart? What is the difference between merely listening to the Word versus hearing the Word and putting it into practice? Are there any seeds that God has been challenging you to plant and put into practice?

6)      Retaining the Word of God requires us to continually elevate God’s Word above our own thoughts and patterns. Pastor Joseph shared that we will always be tempted to abandon Godly methods for seemingly quicker or easier methods. READ JEREMIAH 17:7–8. How does striving to cultivate ‘good soil’ in our hearts benefit us? How do we know the difference between good soil and other soil?


Sermon: Planted in Good Soil


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General Ministry Announcements

  • We are fasting this Wednesday in preparation for our transition to the Lawrence School. More information about the details of the consecration and prayer topics is here:
  • Worship Team Auditions continue this Saturday, November 15. Please e-mail  if you are interested in auditioning.
  • Morning Prayer takes place on 
    Monday (6:00-6:15am),
    Wednesday (6:00-6:30am),
    Wednesday (7:00-7:15am) *NEW
    Friday (6:00-6:15am),
    Saturday (8:00-8:30am), and
    Sunday (10:30-11:00am)
  • M, W, F, Sat all take place via conference call, Sunday takes place at church. Lets all commit to praying together on Sunday, as well as one other morning during the week! 

Conference Call Number: (712) 775-7000

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