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let's talk some moreLet’s Talk Notes – Week of October 28, 2012


Message:        “Living According to God's Code"

Scripture:        Luke 6:27-36


1)   Has anyone ever done something positive for you that you didn’t expect them to do? How did it make you feel? Did their actions change your relationship with them?

2)   As you reflect back on last weekend’s sermon, what one principle or insight stands out as being particularly helpful, insightful or difficult to grasp?

3)   Jesus tells us in Luke 6, that we are called to respond differently to challenges than how the world responds. How does this code challenge us to show grace and mercy to others, while still challenging us to maintain appropriate boundaries? (i.e. not being weak but meek)

“While ‘turning the other cheek’ stands in deliberate tension with the way one normally thinks and lives, it illustrates a powerful principle that must be taken seriously when we encounter similar situations. Even when wrongfully abused, our course of action must always be governed by the higher principles of the kingdom, not the mere satisfaction of personal rights.” [The College Press NIV Commentary] 

4)   Read 1 Samuel 24:1-22. How did David respond to the opportunity to get even with King Saul for trying to kill him? How did David’s choice to live according to God’s code change King Saul’s attitude towards him. (See 1 Samuel 24:17-20).

5)   Jesus gives four tools that Christians can use when dealing with difficult situations. He instructs each of us to:Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (v27-28). What are some practical ways that you can implement each of the 4 tools:

  1. Loving your enemies
  2. Doing good to those who hate you
  3. Blessing those who curse you
  4. Praying for those who mistreat you

6)   Often, the hardest part of living according to God’s code is the feeling that justice will never be served to those who have wronged us unless we get revenge. Do you feel this way at times? Why doesn’t God want us to think this way? (Read Romans 12:17-21)

7)   Are there any other difficulties that you have with living according to God’s code in dealing with others? When you are tempted to take matters into your own hands and to operate outside of God’s code, what can you do to get yourself back on track?


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