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let's talk some moreLet’s Talk Notes – Week of September 28, 2014


Message:     The Blessing of Faithfulness

Scripture:    Luke 16:10-12; Proverbs 28:20


1)      What are 1-2 things you would commit to doing zealously without being paid or even acknowledged for?  What is the satisfaction that you get in doing these things? How do we develop the same level of satisfaction in doing the work of the Lord?

2)      As you reflect back on last weekend’s sermon, what one principle or insight stands out as being particularly helpful, insightful or difficult to grasp?

3)      Faithfulness requires that we focus on what God has given us rather than on what we do not have. List three blessings that God has entrusted to you over the last year. How do you balance dreaming about the future while being a faithful steward of your present?

4)      As followers of Christ, the standard of our faithfulness is that God is pleased. What does it mean to please God? If we adopt the mind set of Colossians 3:23, how does that affect the way that we manage our responsibilities? (Think about your relationships, work, school, ministry, talents, health, time, etc…)

5)      2 Kings 6:15-17 tells the story of Elisha who prayed that God would open up the eyes of his servant so that he would see that God was with them. Has God ever opened your eyes to show you that He is with you?  If so, please share your experience with the group.

6)      Faithfulness doesn’t always put us immediately in front, but God always has the final say. God reminds us in Proverbs 28, that He rewards the steps of the faithful.  How has God rewarded your faithfulness even when it wasn’t the popular thing to do?

7)      The Scriptures teach us that increase in various areas of our lives is contingent upon our faithful dedication in what God has already entrusted to us. How does this lesson apply to our relationships, as well as our possessions? What are some ways that you have been faithful in cultivating your relationships? Journal/discuss areas of opportunity for growth.



Sermon: The Blessing of Faithfulness


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Upcoming events

  • Men's Ministry Breakfast - Saturday, October 4th at 9 AM - Holiday Inn Brookline
  • Mark your calendars for Apple Picking!! On October 11, 2014, we will be going to Honey Pot Orchard in Stow, MA. They usually have apples, pears, and pumpkins to pick. You can also indulge with their apple cider donuts. This is a 'not-to-be missed' event! Register at



  • Morning Prayer takes place on Monday (6:00-6:15am), Wednesday (6:00-6:30am), Friday (6:00-6:15am), Saturday (8:00-8:30am), and Sunday (10:30-11:00am). M, W, F, Sat all take place via conference call, Sunday takes place at church. Lets all commit to praying together on Sunday, as well as one other morning during the week! 

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