header | real.life groups

At times, life can be complicated. real.life includes great successes, yet sometimes brings difficult heartbreak. Where does God fit in the midst of the highs and lows of life? Whether a seemingly mundane issue or dealing with difficult decisions and circumstances, God is very interested in our everyday lives. At Mars Hill Fellowship Church, our real.life groups are small groups of 6-12 people that meet weekly to bring the gospel alive in their lives. Using the previous week’s sermon and life application questions as a foundation, each group meets together to build meaningful friendships and support, have fun together and study the reality of the Word of God. Whether you are exploring the claims of Christ or have been walking with God for some time, you can benefit from joining a real.life group this fall.


I.    How do the groups work?

  1. real.life groups are generally 6-12 people in size.
  2. Each group is led by a trained leader and host. A typical meeting lasts for an hour and a half and includes light refreshments.


II.   Which group should I join?

  1. We have organized the group around various interests/demographics. For the Fall 2012, we are planning to have some of the following groups:
    1. Dorchester Couples/Singles Group
    2. BU College Life Group
    3. Allston Musicians/International Group
    4. Roslindale/Hyde Park Singles Group
    5. Brookline Singles Group
  1. What happens if the group that I join isn’t a good fit?

You have the first 3 weeks of the session to determine whether or not to join a different group. No questions asked. No penalties. At the end of the Fall Session, you can decide whether to stay with the same real.life group for Winter 2012, join another group or to take a break.

Sometimes, it might take two or three sessions before you find the perfect fit.  But don’t worry, you’ll find it!


III. How long does each real.life group last?

  1. The Fall 2012 session starts the week of Sunday, September 23, 2012 and runs for 10 weeks until Saturday, December 8th (meetings are optional during Thanksgiving Week).
  2. Our small groups run on a quarter schedule. At the end of each quarter, you have the choice of staying in the same group, trying a new group, or even taking a break.  During the summer, we have classes and sports leagues that are a part of our Mars Hill University (Mars Hill U)


IV.   What happens at a real.life group meeting

  1. Light Refreshments
  2. Sharing Prayer Requests and what is going on in each others life
  3. Study and discussion of the previous week’s sermon
  4. Response and Buddy Prayer
  5. Once per quarter – each life group will have a social event


V.    What commitment is required to be a part of a real.life group?

  1. Joining a real.life group requires a 10‑week commitment to attend the weekly meetings and to review group study questions ahead of time.  Obviously, allowances are made for sickness, vacation, work conflicts, and other special events...but not much more! This commitment is the key to strong relationships and healthy groups.
  2. Each week there will be a series of Bible passages and questions to study and complete before your meeting. 

VI.   Where do I sign-up?

  1. Church wide sign‑ups begin at the start of each new session (in September, January, and March).  You can also sign up before or after any Sunday worship service or by calling the church office (617-459-4001).  Our pastors and staff will be happy to help you find just the right group for you. Those who are new to the church (start attending in the middle of a session) can sign up and join any group that has openings without waiting for the start of a new session.


Other questions

VII. Can I participate if I have a child?

  1. We want our families to participate in our real.life groups. Some of the groups are kid-friendly and childcare is arranged during the meeting time.