SERMON NOTES :: Sunday, November 25, 2012 - Agree with One Another


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Agree with One Another


One Another


1 Corinthians 1:10-11


Pastor Michael Allwood


I.         A Case Study in Agreement: The Three Hebrew Boys (Daniel 3)

    1. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego learned to walk in agreement long before they had to decide whether they would worship the false god of King Nebuchadnezzar. Because the three Hebrew boys had pre-built their unity, they were able to walk in agreement even though the decision would be very costly.
    2. God rewarded the Hebrew boy’s agreement by sparing their lives and rescuing them from the fiery furnace. King Nebuchadnezzar was so impacted by this miracle that he issued a degree to ONLY worship the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

II.         In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul emphasizes that believers are called to walk in unity within the body of Christ. He pleads with the people of Corinth to take this command seriously. Agreement is not just a command from Paul, but directly from God.

III.       What are we called to do?

    1. Speak the same thing.
      1. Creeds are used to ensure that people from diverse locations and places are speaking the same thing. The Postman’s Creed shared by Pastor Michael is recited by postal workers all across the United States.
      2. It's hard to be in agreement if we are not studying the same thing. The Bible is the Christian’s creed so that WE ALL say the same thing.
      3. If we believe in the Word of God and let our speech be governed by that same Word, there is a great likelihood that we will speak the same things. We will give the same answers because we are finding the answers from the same book.
    2. Have no divisions amongst us.
      1. While some divisions are necessary so that we may walk in truth, many divisions are created by our inability to resolve differences.
      2. The world is watching as the divisions within the body of Christ affect the ability of the church to impact the world in a meaningful way.
    3. Be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
      1. There has to be a standard that all of us agree to operate and judge ourselves by. In the body of Christ, that standard is the Word of God.

IV.         When we agree with one another, it is pleasing to God, his church, and to the world. (Psalms 133:1) 

Scripture Index:

1 Corinthians 1:10-11
Daniel 3:16-29
Psalms 133:1 

thoughts for further study

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